Saturday, January 28, 2012

11-14/366 Week 2 - Cold

I know, I know.....I haven't posted anything for 4 days.  Sick baby, sick husband, hated the theme.  Add them together and you get a SLACKER.  At least I'm honest :)

Moving on....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

8/366 Week 2 - Cold

New theme this week!  COLD.  It snowed last night and made the perfect conditions for my first day shooting "cold".

Thursday, January 19, 2012

7/366 Week 1 - Underneath

A quote: Be like a duck.  Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens "UNDERNEATH".

What a beautiful angel.  She is watching those "UNDERNEATH" her wings.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

6/366 Week 1 - Underneath

Today's post is a bit different from the earlier posts.  I have previously been shooting in mostly automatic or semi-automatic modes.  These pictures were shot in MANUAL!!  If you have not used a DSLR camera before it might be tough for you to grasp just how tough that is to do.  Needless to say, I am very proud of myself :)

My Tank "UNDERNEATH" a tree

Who knew you could find such things on a short walk....anyhow, hands "UNDERNEATH" a bench.

And finally, my sweet fur baby "UNDERNEATH" the covers.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pardon this interruption.....

I interrupt your regularly scheduled program to show off the cutest baby I have ever seen.
These are not "UNDERNEATH" but they are too cute to keep to myself.

5/366 Week 1 Underneath

My other amazing model, Tank.  Here he is "UNDERNEATH" his toys and the dreaded baby gate.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

4/366 Week 1 - Underneath

One of my favorite books The Giving Tree.  The boy is "UNDERNEATH" the tree.

3/366 Week 1 - Underneath

This is a shot from "UNDERNEATH" my wine glass rack.

2/366 Week 1 - Underneath

"UNDERNEATH" the sink....although, I don't like sharing what the under the sink cabinet looks like :P

1/366 Week 1 - Underneath

Here is my favorite model "UNDERNEATH" his blanket.  He is always such a good sport.

This one is a stretch.....but he is "UNDERNEATH" his mom :)